books for
burning it all down
planting seeds in the ashes
becoming rooted
breaking the attention economy
reenchanting the earth
books for hoping
beyond the end of the world

Thinking with Plants, a syllabus

Scorched Earth Press & friends decided, about a year and a half ago, to study plants–that is, to bring the cross-disciplinary approach used in animal studies to bear on questions like, Are plants people? Do they talk? Do they “do things?” Do they have a politics of their own and, if so, how can human beings come to grips with it? Plenty of folks have done their bit to make this kind of “plant studies” a thing, but we had trouble finding an online botany syllabus that covered all the topics of interest to us.

So, we came up with this strange mix of academic articles, longform pieces, sciencey stuff, virtual exhibits, and of course a whole lot of Robin Wall Kimmerer. We’re sharing it in case you too have been looking for a not-too-serious plant studies reading list. We’ll update it from time to time as we encounter readings we wish we’d read as part of our group.

Who are plants? (What are people?)

Science Background

Readings / Multimedia

Vegetable Lamb of Tartary
Vegetable Lamb


Plants in person language: taxonomy and naming

Science Background


From Flora’s pocket dictionary : a lexicon of the language and sentiment of flowers


Plants in their own language?

Science Background



What plants do for us


What plants do for themselves: plants as agents


Plants in our politics




Plant society
