books for
burning it all down
planting seeds in the ashes
becoming rooted
breaking the attention economy
reenchanting the earth
books for hoping
beyond the end of the world


& Black / Native Solidarity in the 1960s

This zine, written by organizer and abolitionist Mariame Kaba, takes us to back to March 1964, when members of the Nisqually and Puyallup nations, protesting for their right to fish their traditional waters, confronted the game wardens of Washington State. Much of the history will be all too familiar to anyone involved in a protest movement today: police violence, governmental inaction, intra-movement conflict. But there’s also much to inspire us as Kaba explains how the tactics of the Black Civil Rights Movement affected Native groups’ approach to direct action–and how NAACP lawyer Jack Tanner and comedian Dick Gregory showed up to join the Native fishers in struggle.

Includes pen-and-ink illustrations Jon Bailiff.


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