books for
burning it all down
planting seeds in the ashes
becoming rooted
breaking the attention economy
reenchanting the earth
books for hoping
beyond the end of the world

Poems for Palestine (free with order)

Publishers for Palestine have come together to create this free booklet of poetry, artwork, and resources for action, now available for both print and online dissemination.

From the introduction:

“Though few of us could memorize an entire essay or story, poems come readily to the tongue and can be chanted or read aloud at gatherings, shared and re-shared on social media. They vibrate between us, move between languages, and connect memory to memory. Yet they are not only our shared sonic landscape, but also a visual one, with poetry written on stickers and placed beside bus seats and on lampposts; written on cardstock and held aloft during protests; penned elegantly for signs in windows. Poetry can be composed as quickly as a news story, and yet it resists the language of normalized oppression, searching for ways to help us see past the dulled passive voice of contemporary news coverage.”

With poetry from: Refaat Al-Areer, Fady Joudah, Hiba Abu Nada, Olivia Elias, Samer Abu Hawwash, Maya Murry, Ahlam Bsharat, Basman Aldirawi, Ghassan Zaqtan.

With artwork from: Jana Traboulsi, @bambiprikt, @sohilaakhaled_, Gabriela Araújo @mgabrielaaraujo, Rand Salim Hammoud @Zaafa_art, Eline Van Dam @zelootillustrations, Aly S.Elsayed @aly.selsayed, Hassan Manasrah @hassan.manasrah.illustrations

Also available for free online for you to print yourself at Publishers for Palestine.


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Poems for Palestine (free with order)